BidBuild Tutorials

The business revolutionizing application that will change the way you do business. What makes BidBuild so much different than other construction management software? Bid Build is not just an application but a way of doing business that  will increase your profits. Involve and energize your staff while showing your clients you run a professional operation. If you are like others, building and operating a business is an extremely difficult task. Let us show you how BidBuild can change your business model and take it to the next level.

This video will explain how to connect your business google calendar to your BidBuild app. Have your Google calendar open and ready to connect!

This video we will explain the process to add products to your catalog. Including how to modify exisitng photos to work properly with BidBuild.

This video will walk you through how the widgets function in BidBuild on the Dashboard & Jobs page.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

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